Hobbies for People on Dialysis

Whether you do dialysis treatments at home or in a center, taking up a hobby while you dialyze may help pass the time. Take a look at the list below and learn more about hobbies for people on dialysis.

1. Learn to knit.

Knitting can be a great hobby to adopt, especially for in-center patients who will be in the dialysis chair for several hours at a time. Knitting needles and yarn are easy to bring with you to the center or keep stored in your home. Learn to knit by watching an instructional video online, asking a friend or reading a book from your local library.

2. Join a book club.

Joining, or even starting, a book club with friends, family or fellow patients is a good way to get more reading in—especially while you dialyze. Book clubs are also an opportunity to socialize, meet someone new and maybe even learn something new.

3. Begin journaling.

Writing down your thoughts, feelings and ideas can be therapeutic. It’s a productive way to pass your time during treatment and may even help you become more in tune with your physical and mental health.

4. Do a crossword or Sudoku puzzle.

Challenge yourself with a brain teaser like crossword or Sudoku puzzles. You can find puzzle books online or at the bookstore, and they are easy to carry with you in a purse or bag.

5. Learn to draw or re-discover coloring books.

Bring a pad of paper and pencil with you to treatment and get creative. Maybe you draw your surroundings, a self-portrait or even a beautiful landscape. The options are endless and you can learn how to draw from books, online or just by practicing. If drawing isn’t your cup of tea, then consider adult coloring books! Exploring the beautiful and intricate designs can be a fun and relaxing experience.


Your treatment doesn’t have to get in the way of developing new hobbies or continuing the ones you already enjoy. Try out a new hobby from the list or create a list of your own.